Staff and Vestry
For photos and bios, see our Staff and Vestry website page.
The Rev. Dr. Stephen L. White, Interim Clergy
The Rev. Dr. Janet W. Zimmerman, Interim Clergy
Gideon’s Garden Director of Farming
Mr. Joel Jorgenson
Music Program
Mr. John Cheek, Director
Ms. Lee Cheek, Keyboard
Parish Office Administrator
Ms. Andrea Saville White
Financial Information
The 2023 budget is included in our 2024 Annual Report.
Grace Church’s Offices and Chapel

67 State Road: Without our former buildings, the vestry, Bible Study, and other meetings took place at our first rector’s home. When it was time to call a new rector, we knew it was time to look for a long-term rental that suited our needs. We wanted a place somewhere on the main route through Great Barrington, U.S. Route 7, also known as State Rd. In August of 2013 we signed a rental agreement for roughly 1,362 square feet of space at 67 State Road. Most of the work in converting this space was done by parishioners. In this space you will find an area for the office administrator, a Rector’s Office, entry vestibule, meeting area, chapel, an additional small office, storage area, and two bathrooms.
When the pandemic began in early 2020, we installed high-speed internet to meet the demands of digital church worship. There is parking along the side of the building. The meeting space is regularly used by different groups from inside and outside of the church, including ESL classes and the Berkshire Immigrant Center based in Pittsfield.

Worship Space at Crissey Farm

In April of 2023 we were notified by the owners of Crissey Farm, our home for nearly 10 years, that the building was being put up for sale, and that if we didn’t want to buy it, we would need to look for a new location. After much discernment and prayer, we were fortunate to find a wonderful rental space in the Berkshire South Regional Community Center at 15 Crissey Rd. in Great Barrington, right down the block from our first home. In January of 2024 we began worshiping there.
Our weekly rent covers worship space and a Sunday School classroom. We have a locked cabinet for our Altar Guild, Welcome Table, Coffee Hour, and Music supplies. We have used the space for special gatherings and luncheons after the Sunday service. We have access to a small kitchen, adjacent to the auditorium, where we can do light prep for Coffee Hour.
Every Sunday morning, we work hard to create holy worship in the auditorium of our community center, and with the help of God, we succeed.