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To paraphrase The Stewardship insert today: “The greatest gift we can offer others is a place at a table set by our Lord who loves us infinitely and cares for us eternally.”

I am a ‘cradle to grave’ Episcopalian. Baptized as an infant, a father on the vestry and  a mother on the altar guild. I went to Episcopal summer camp, an Episcopal convent boarding school, my brother and cousin are both ordained. BUT, I am an Episcopalian by choice and here at Grace by choice.

I joined St James twelve years ago and one of the first things I did was ask to join the Altar Guild. I did this because in prep school the nuns tapped me to be a sacristant and explained to me the importance of this quiet, under appreciated, almost thankless ministry. I was taught that every time I performed my duties I was setting the table for a banquet where the Lord would join with anyone willing to be present. I also believe that we bring this banquet into the world with us after every Eucharist.

Grace Church provides this banquet in (needless to say) challenging circumstances. I think these ‘challenging’ circumstances have caused us to stretch, grow and become more than we could have imagined.

When you get your stewardship letter please specially consider this line:

We are witnessing lives being changed for children and adults as they collaborate at Gideon’s Garden.  This spills over to the products they produce to support the food pantries in Great Barrington, Lee and other locations.  The recent series of Community Suppers is another aspect where Grace Church goes well beyond Sunday mornings! 

We are also seeing lives changed with the Healing team, Foyer dinners, the monthly Sunday suppers, casual interactions at coffee hour, lectionary study, your support of the mission trip to the Mampong Babies home, the deep committed support we give each other during all our lives’ transitions and many, many, other ways.

Because of all these ministries I pledge to Grace Church. I urge you to fill out a pledge form and bring it to church for the ingathering on Sunday, November 9.