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Food and Faith. In the month of July we will be exploring the vital relationship between food and faith. We will hear witness of how important food is to our culture, to our faith practices and traditions. Annalise Clausen will share stories of where our food comes from and how the land is essential to our very lives. We will worship beside our Gideon’s Garden, a place that nourishes both body and spirit through the lives that are touched in the work and the lives that are enlivened by receiving the bounty that come from its bounds. Finally, we will hear from The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas who will preach and teach about our role as God’s children in caring for all of God’s creation. I hope you will join us every Sunday in July and bring your family and friends.

Annalise on tractor

Annalise Clausen to preach on July 12. Annalise is the manager of Astarte Farm in Hadley, Massachusetts. She will share her stories of working on a small farm and her vision of nurturing the earth that nurtures us.


Grace at GG

Worship at Gideon’s Garden July 19. Join us for worship and a picnic following at Gideon’s Garden, July 19 at 10:00 am. Please sign up to bring salad or dessert.


MBJpicThe Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas to preach on July 26. On Sunday, July 26 the Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas will be with us at Grace Church to preach and to talk with us following worship about her role and her vision for our church in caring for God’s creation. The Rev. Dr. Bullitt-Jonas, a priest, writer, and a retreat leader, serves as Missioner of Creation Care for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts. Website