September 18, 2014 5:45 pm
Present: Janet, Kathy Rick, Geoff, Susan, John, Sarah, Sue, Ian
Absent: Louise
Kathy called the meeting to order at 5:47 pm.
John read the Dwelling in the Word passage.
Minutes were accepted.
There was no new correspondence, but we signed a note of thanks to Danny Tawcynski and everyone at Taft Farms for helping to make our service and picnic on Sept. 14 such a joyous occasion.
Treasurer’s Report Geoff reported that we are ahead of budget!
Rick needs account numbers from Louise to have the meters checked.
Hospitality and Fellowship budget lines should be one listing.
Report was accepted.
A Finance Committee needs to be formed. Several names were suggested.
Sarah brought up the question of whether the other 2 churches (St. Paul’s and Christ-Trinity) have resources we might explore for new ideas about investing.
We are looking to get Janet a church credit card for on-line purchases.
Geoff mentioned he would like to resign from the Vestry as of January.
Properties Rick said another date will be set for more clean-out of the storage unit. We are still waiting for the office water meter to be finished.
Rector’s Report Janet is settling in well! She is meeting with local clergy, and will be attending Fresh Start, the diocesan program for new priests. She is meeting with groups within Grace Church.
Our service and picnic on Sept.14 were so successful we should do church “on the road” 2-3 times a year. We need to find a way to streamline the process.
Old Business Vestries from Grace, St. Paul’s, and Christ-Trinity will have a mini-retreat on Friday September 26. This will be held at Grace office at 6:00pm.
The Community Network Dinners have been a big success. The last one will be Friday, October 17, featuring Gideon’s Garden.
Janet, Kathy, Doreen and Pennie met with representatives from Railroad Street youth Project and Bridge. We asked How can we help? What kind of help is needed? They mentioned they had some specific families in mind.
Problems of the homeless and transient were mentioned. Lee Pantry works with Lee Police to provide one night on a motel. Is there anything like that in GB?
Year Round Stewardship John reported that people from all three churches met with Bruce Rockwell to share ideas. The other churches like our idea of a Gratitude Moment.
There will be bulletin inserts for 6 weeks beginning Oct. 5.
Pat Edelstein will replace Nancy Cobden on this committee.
New Business We need more visibility . Do we need a sign coming in to GB? Or on the building? Rick will look into this.
We need to update the website.
Prayer Partners – pick 2 people on your list to check on before the next meeting.
Rick and Sue will see about getting Episcopal Church decals for cars.
The Interfaith Committee of South County is promoting a concert to be held at the Mahaiwe on November 8. They are asking $75 for co-sponsorship .. Our name will be in the program. This will come under advertising.
After a closing prayer we adjourned at 7:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Gray, Clerk of the Vestry