Minutes from Grace Church Vestry Meeting
November 19, 2014
Present: Janet, Kathy, Rick, Geoff, Louise, Susan, John, Sue, Ian
Absent: Sarah
Kathy called the meeting to order at 5:47pm.
There were no additions or changes to the agenda.
Ian led us in Dwelling on the Word.
Vicki Ix, from the Communications Office at the Diocese did a marketing presentation for us. She commented on several specific areas:
-Website: It is very clear, easy to navigate, original, and mission oriented
-E-newsletter : It crosses several levels, lots of information
-Social Media: do more photos, videos, with a link to the website
-Think about Vimeo (like youtube)
-We do not need to be on pinterest, linkedin, twitter
Questions for us to think about:
What do we want to communicate about the church, faith?
What should people know about Grace Church?
Who do you want to reach? (families w/children, vacationers, young people,seekers , Hispanic community, people where they are)
What hasn’t worked? (open house at office)
New Ideas: movie or video
What if we had an app?
Do we need a motto? ( “Step in to Grace where strangers become friends”)
We continued the meeting after Vickie left.
Minutes of the October meeting were accepted. There was no new correspondence.
Treasurer’s Report: Geoff reported that Office Cleaning is now a space in the budget.
We discussed Housing allowance for Janet, as directed by the Diocese.
A motion was made to accept this resolution, and was passed.
Jr. Warden’s Report: Rick said a date to clean out the storage unit is set for Nov. 22. We agreed to pay for another 6 moths storage in Lee.
Finance Committee: Anne Andrews was added to the group.
Wisdom Group: presented a proposal sheet based on needs identified at the community dinners. Voted to support mentoring projects led by J.V.Von Sant from BRIDGE. The cost will be $2,020.00. A second project will be considered at a later date.
The Vestry voted to fund these projects as recommended by the Wisdom Group.
Priest-in-Charge Report: Janet is continuing to meet with groups within the parish. She met with the spiritual director at Simon’s Rock. Diocese is planning training sessions for those who are interested in these services for Alzheimer and Dementia at Trinity, Lenox. Interfaith Clergy Group is planning the annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in January. Janet will participate in a Continuing Education program in January at Trinity Church, NYC.
Discussion of Annual Meeting and new Vestry members will be held until the Dec. meeting.
Ian read a closing prayer.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55.