Click here for the ROTA schedule.
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Altar Guild – Sarah Sieber, Robert Forman, Jacob Greer, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgenson, Mackenzie Kendall, Monique Kirchoff, Peter Kirchoff, Alex Moore, Louise Peterson
Greeters, Ushers & Welcome Table – Mary Booton, Sally Brooke, Phil Burt, Rick and Sue Gore, Dale and Louise Peterson, Kevin Rosero, Sarah Sieber, Richard Starr, Harmony Twing, Carol Way
Acolytes – Ellis Ericson, Robert Forman, Jacob Greer, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgensen, Peter Kirchoff, Caroline Murray, Louise Peterson
Lectors – Dindy Anderson, Phil Burt, Pennie Curry, Ellis Ericson, Robert Forman, Meredith Haider, Doreen Hutchinson, Laura Jordahl, Doone Marshall, Holly Murray, Dale Peterson, Lynn Walker, Carol Way
Intercessors – John Cheek, Phil Burt, Kathy Clausen, Pennie Curry, Robert Forman, Meredith Haider, Doreen Hutchinson, Laura Jordahl, Holly Murray, Sarah Sieber
Chalice Bearers – Rick Gore, Robert Forman, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgensen, Mackenzie Kendall, Peter Kirchoff, Holly and Caroline Murray, Louise Peterson, Lynn Walker
Healing Team – The Rev. Ted Cobden, Pennie Curry, Sue Gore,
Counters – Sue Gore, Kathy Clausen, Rick Gore, Matt Marcos, Sarah Sieber, Carol Way
Coffee Hour – Dindy Anderson, Booton, Brooke, Cheek, Fishell/Seip, Gore, Haider, Haywood, Holmes, Leavenworth, McCarroll
If you need to request reimbursement for an expense, please use this form and submit it to the Treasurer, Sue Gore.