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Altar Guild Sarah Sieber, Robert Forman, Jacob Greer, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgenson, Mackenzie Kendall, Monique Kirchoff, Peter Kirchoff, Alex Moore, Louise Peterson

Greeters, Ushers & Welcome Table – Mary Booton, Sally Brooke, Phil Burt, Rick and Sue Gore, Dale and Louise Peterson, Kevin Rosero, Sarah Sieber, Richard Starr, Harmony Twing, Carol Way

Acolytes – Ellis Ericson, Robert Forman, Jacob Greer, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgensen, Peter Kirchoff, Caroline Murray, Louise Peterson

Lectors – Dindy Anderson, Phil Burt, Pennie Curry, Ellis Ericson, Robert Forman, Meredith Haider, Doreen Hutchinson, Laura Jordahl, Doone Marshall, Holly Murray, Dale Peterson, Lynn Walker, Carol Way

Intercessors John Cheek, Phil Burt, Kathy Clausen, Pennie Curry, Robert Forman, Meredith Haider, Doreen Hutchinson, Laura Jordahl, Holly Murray, Sarah Sieber

Chalice Bearers Rick Gore, Robert Forman, Cathy Haywood, Joel Jorgensen, Mackenzie Kendall, Peter Kirchoff, Holly and Caroline Murray, Louise Peterson, Lynn Walker

Healing Team The Rev. Ted Cobden, Pennie Curry, Sue Gore, 

CountersSue Gore, Kathy Clausen, Rick Gore, Matt Marcos, Sarah Sieber, Carol Way

Coffee Hour – Dindy Anderson, Booton, Brooke, Cheek, Fishell/Seip, Gore, Haider, Haywood, Holmes, Leavenworth, McCarroll

If you need to request reimbursement for an expense, please use this form and submit it to the Treasurer, Sue Gore.