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Grace Church, an Episcopal Community in the Southern Berkshires and Taft Farms in Great Barrington, Ma., is sponsoring the fifth year of Gideon’s Garden. On Saturday, June 1, 86 adults and 53 youth participated in planting two acres of vegetables which will be distributed and shared with seven organizations throughout Southern Berkshire County. The age range of the participants went from 18 months to 88 years. This year was the largest turnout from our community and the most diversified representation from many ethnic groups. Our Youth Supervisors, Kyle Gangell and Mat Spindol are High School Freshmen who plan the layout of the garden and supervise and teach other youths how to respect the land given to us and how to respect one another. Our garden was fertilized during the dormant winter months by Gideon’s flock of chickens purchased last year to help with costs of feeding our crops and feeding those in need with eggs laid by hens. We will be receiving our new greenhouse for our garden this week which will allow us to extend our growing season into December and begin our production of salad greens and tomatoes in early spring. The new greenhouse is a gift from members of Grace Episcopal Church.

Our garden will sponsor a Nutritional Program for youth and their families this summer. We will be hosting a single mother’s group each Thursday who will meet in the garden and help maintain the crops that their youth will be able to enjoy throughout the growing season. We will be hosting a minimum of two potluck meals next to the garden with many of the new families who have participated in the garden for the first time. We believe sharing a meal and fellowship together will bring us closer to knowing one another and sharing our concerns and needs for our community.

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