On Christmas Eve, a special service was held at Taft Farms.
Three years ago, Grace Church, in collaboration with Taft Farms, offered a 3:00pm service in the Farms’ greenhouse as a form of outreach to the wider community. The brief bi-lingual service has grown in popularity and this year 68 people attended, some from Grace Church, some who work at Taft, and other visitors who heard about the service from friends. The Right Rev. Dr. Doug Fisher, Bishop of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts was the celebrant. With a couple of rabbits on the side, in the midst of the tables and tools of a working greenhouse, Bishop Fisher spoke about the abundant love of Christ and how that love was born in a humble place such as where the service took place.
Link to the slideshow of photos from Christmas Eve.
Gideon’s Garden, a joint project of Grace Church and Taft Farms, is located just across the street.