For the Love of Christ urges us on
Although the story happened many years before I came to be with you, it has been told to me several times as it conveys who we seek to be and what we seek to do as God’s people here at Grace Church. Apparently it was a normal Sunday morning. The adults were in worship and […]
God as Divine Community
To the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us, with the Father that made and created us, and the Son that redeemed us, be given all honour and glory, world without end. Amen In speaking with children about God and who God is in their lives, I came across a series of books written by Rabbi Sandy Sasso. […]
What Does it Mean to be Church?
Oh, God, take our minds and think through them, take our lips and speak through them, and take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen. Today we celebrate Pentecost–the day in our church when we celebrate God’s Spirit coming to dwell within the hearts and minds of the people. The miracle of Pentecost […]
Jesus Prays for Us
Today we come to the last Sunday in Easter. Throughout these 50 days we have reflected through scripture and music and prayer on the presence of the risen Christ, seeking him in our lives and in the world. Today we find ourselves in this transition time where in the Gospel reading, Jesus prays for his […]
Beloved, let us love one another
The poor shall eat and be satisfied, and those who seek the LORD shall praise him: * “May your heart live for ever!” Today we hear in our Gospel reading from John, the final “I am” statement from Jesus. It is a part of Jesus’ farewell to his beloved followers. He has washed their […]
Jesus himself stood among the disciples
Know that the LORD does wonders for the faithful; * when I call upon the LORD, he will hear me. I had been at work as a chaplain on the pediatric oncology floor at the Children’s Hospital in Austin Texas for about two weeks. I was beginning to learn the names of the nurses who […]
One heart and soul
Oh, how good and pleasant it is, * when brethren live together in unity! Almost everyday the people of town would see Mamie Adams walking to the post office. It was a part of her daily routine and seldom, unless extreme bad weather prevented it, did Mamie miss her appointed destination. She particularly liked […]
He has been raised,he is not here
On this day the LORD has acted; *we will rejoice and be glad in it. A child is working very hard at coloring a picture. She has drawn using many colors and every stroke she makes is done with very careful attention. An adult nearby asks her what she is drawing. She tells her she […]
Do You Want to See Jesus?–Sermon by Ms. Lee Cheek, Licensed Lay Preacher
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Amen. My brothers and sisters, here we are at the last Sunday in Lent, a good four weeks into this season of quiet and reflection and we are poised just seven days before Passion Sunday. It seems like only a […]
For God So Loved the World
From our reading this morning from the Gospel according to John, we hear a verse from the Bible that even if we were not raised in the church, we most certainly have heard. And if we cannot quote it by heart, we have seen its notation on bumper stickers, hanging from signs in the end […]