Whoever is not against us is for us
We have been watching this man from a distance, listening to his brave and inspirational words and watching his acts of heart-opening compassion. And now he is here among us, in this country, and thousands have turned out just to watch his tiny Fiat drive by or catch a glimpse of him as he moves […]
Follow me!
In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by the writer and theologian C.S. Lewis, four adventurous children discover a door in a wardrobe and step through into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter—but never Christmas—cursed by the power of the White Witch. Only Aslan, the Great Lion, can reverse her […]
Be opened!
Righteous Anger is All the Rage read an editorial. A tone of anger seems to be our “go to” mode these days when we engage with each other—most often in our public square. Unless we are talking with someone who agrees with our views on sports or politics or religion, most engagements begin at the […]
It’s What Comes From Your Heart That Matters
First let me begin by saying that it is important that you wash your hands regularly. In our country where safe water is plentiful and usually available simply by turning on a tap in multiple places in our house, most of us can access safe water 24 hours a day, seven days a week to […]
Truly Grateful
Two men were once walking through a field when they saw an angry bull. Instantly they made for the nearest fence with the bull in hot pursuit. It soon became evident to them that they were not going to make it, so one man shouted to the other, “We’ve had it! Nothing can save us. […]
Food for the Day–a sermon preached by The Rev. Libby Wade
A whole industry has grown up in recent years around wilderness adventures. The reality TV phenomenon began with the show “Survivor” that pitted teams against each other trying to survive in some remote location. It captured large audiences, so various versions of that plot have emerged in other shows. There’s the man who goes out […]
Look at their hands–a sermon preached by Annalise Clausen
“Wake up now, look alive, for here is a day off work just to praise Creation: the turkey, the squash, and the corn, these things that ate and drank sunshine, grass, mud, and rain, and then in the shortening days laid down their lives for our welfare and onward resolve. There’s the miracle for you, […]
Food for the journey
For over sixty years M.F. K Fisher wrote about food, cooking and eating as human and cultural metaphors. She published fifteen books and many essays. One of her stories appeared in her book, The art of eating, in which she remembered a dinner shared with her father and younger sister that even 25 years later […]
Your faith has made you well.
O LORD my God, I cried out to you, * and you restored me to health. (Psalm 30 verse 2) A week ago, last Wednesday night, a group of Christians gathered after what had been a very long day to study scripture. The Rev. Clementa Pinckney had driven a little more than 2 hours to […]
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble
In his book Fatherneed, Yale University child psychologist Kyle Pruett notes that children whose fathers are deeply involved in their lives do better in school. Toddlers with involved fathers are better prepared to handle the stresses and frustrations associated with schooling than children whose fathers are less involved. And young men need dads who are […]