Sermon from September 13, 2020
Growing up, every year during Easter week, my mom would turn on the TV and we would watch the publicly broadcasted movie The Ten Commandments. I’m talking the 1956 larger-than-life technicolor production of the dramatic scenes of the book of Exodus. Does that ring a bell for anyone? Anyone seen this? Every year my family […]
Sermon from September 6, 2020
Romans 13:8-14; Psalm 119:33-40; Matthew 18:15-20 Welcome to Creation Season, a five-week period observed around the world by many denominations including our own Episcopal Church. A time to celebrate the bountiful gifts and beauty of nature, a time to consider our own relationship with the created world, a time to recognize the aching and painful […]
Watch: Sermon from Morning Prayer September 6, 2020
Watch: Sermon from Morning Prayer August 16, 2020
Click here to watch The Rev. Dr. Rich Simpson’s sermon
Watch: Sermon from Morning Worship, August 9, 2020
Watch: Sermon from Morning Worship, August 2, 2020
The Kingdom of Heaven is Persistent
1 Give thanks to the Lord and call upon God’s Name; *make known God’s deeds among the peoples. 2 Sing praises, sing praises, *and speak of all God’s marvelous works. Throughout the Gospels and in Matthew’s Gospel in particular, Jesus taught through parables. I love parables. These earthy stories with a heavenly meaning start with the here and […]
The Power of Paradox
One of the great truths of Christianity is that it is steeped in paradox. Every facet of the religion, from its theology, to its ethics, to its holy book, to Jesus’ own identity, invites us to occupy holy in-between places, places of hard but life-giving ambiguity. I know: paradox doesn’t always feel life-giving. Most of the time, we […]
Watch: Sermon from Morning Worship July 19, 2020
Sermon July 19, 2020 from Grace Church on Vimeo.