Grace Church Vestry Meeting
August 15, 2013 5:40 p.m., Finnerty & Stevens
Present: Rev. Francie Hills, Kathy Clausen, John Cheek, Rick Gore, Ian Booton, Sue Gore, Dindy Anderson, Geoff Perkins, Louise Robitaille
Away: Sally Brooke, Susan Gray
Appointed Clerk for this meeting: Susan Gore
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. by Senior Warden Kathy Clausen. Chaplain Dindy Anderson led us in Dwelling in the Word. Francie read a poem, Gather Up the Brokenness – Come Healing
The minutes for the July 17 Vestry meeting were approved as read.
The minutes for the August 4 Vestry meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Geoff Perkins reported that the Music Fund of $73,241 needs to be deducted out of the Trustee Principal. The Altar Guild has designated money to be used for the purchase earlier this year of linens. This was not meant to be taken out of the operating budget. Geoff will transfer it out.
At the conclusion of the 2012 audit, a recommendation for Grace Church was to form a Finance Committee. This will be in place prior to planning the 2014 budget.
Sue Gore has a contract and information from Legal Claimant Services stating that funds have been found in the amount of $6,300. The vestry agreed to move forward to claim such funds paying Legal Claimant Services a 25% service fee totaling $1,575. These funds were originally in St. George’s name. Legal Claimant Service has already named Grace Church as the receiving party.
The Vestry accepted the Audit Certificate for St. George’s dated August 13, 2013. This was for the financial records of 2012. The Audit Committee for St. George’s attached the recommendations for Grace Church from the St. James audit performed by Bruce Rockwell. Sue Gore will forward certificate to the Diocese.
Kathy Clausen requested money be taken from our Transition Fund to pay those who set up the new web site and also the documentary filmed for Gideon’s Garden.
Louise Robitaille reported that the Giving Statements were sent out. For those who did not pledge, but do give on a regular basis, will also receive statements.
Committee/Other Reports:
Property/Building Committee: Rick Gore went over lease agreement for the property on 67 State Rd. Questions brought up in reference to plowing, taxes, sewer and first and last months payments need to be addressed. The agreement will be sent to Steve Abdow for review. Rick will follow up with insurance. This is a five year lease.
The Vestry approved the lease agreement with the satisfaction of the concerns in question with the Diocese and Lessor.
Year-round Stewardship Committee: John Cheek said that starting the third week of September will be the beginning of Stewardship Sermons. The sermons will be based on gratitude and will only be a couple of minutes long. John discussed sending statements out a few times a year to individuals thanking them for their time and talent. The committee is looking to create a culture of generosity.
Wisdom Group: Kathy Clausen reported that the group will meet on September 8th to continue their discussion.
Rector’s Report:
Latino Ministry: Francie mentioned inviting missioners from Diocesan Staff that work in the same ministry to share their experiences.
Columbarium: Francie delivered ashes to Steve Ide of his mother Ruth and other family members. Internment to happen Labor Day weekend at St. Stephen’s Church. Still need to schedule internment at Mahaiwe Cemetery. Francie said only a few urns remain to be placed at Mahaiwe Cemetery. There is possibly room for 50 urns in the future. Some people have already paid under St. James. For those, Grace Church will be responsible to pay for the grounds opened and engraving of the stone. Francie has offered to write up terms for Grace Church to follow.
At this time a prayer was said for Francie and she was dismissed.
Sue Gore gave a brief update of the Parish Profile. She discussed with the Vestry about the financial pages to be placed in the profile. Also, needed clarification whether or not the vestry has to vote in regards to compensation. We are in need of more pictures. Ian Booton agreed to bring his camera Sunday and snap away.
The meeting ended with prayer at 7:45. Respectfully submitted, Susan Gore,
appointed temporary Clerk