Minutes of Grace Church Vestry Meeting October 16, 2014
Present: Janet, Kathy, Rick, Susan, Louise, John, Sue, Sarah, Ian
Absent: Geoff
Meeting was called to order at 5:47pm.
Sue led Dwelling in the Word
Treasurer’s Report: Louise
Financial report accepted as presented.
Rick still needs info on gas and electric meters
A large amount of money is still in the checkbook. It needs to come out and go to the Trustees for investments.
Finance Committee -what do we want this committee to do or be?
Treasurer should still keep the books, but not do everything –
This committee needs to help the Vestry and Congregation with the vision of when and how we spend our money.
Sue Gore, Ed Hutchinson, John Grammer, and Tom Doyle have agreed to serve on this committee. Janet will ask at church if there are any others interested.
Year Round Stewardship: John
Pledge letters and cards have been mailed.
Ingathering will be on Sunday November 9
Rector’s Report: Janet has been getting to know several of the groups in the parish. We are organizing 1 or 2 Brown-Bag-Meet-and-Greets to be held at the office, for those “non-group” folks.
Looking for ideas for summer programs for kids, involving Gideon’s Garden, Bridge, the other 2 churches, Guthrie Center.
Working with Tom and Annie for more joint ventures.
Old Business
We need consistent members for all three-church discussions.
3-Vestry retreat will be Feb 14. We need to find projects to do together.
Rules for signage – check with building inspector for having a sign on the building.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Gray, Clerk of the Vestry